Freitag, 23. Juni, 19:00 Uhr

Lahar Magazine Launch

Lahar Berlin #0 has arrived! Our very first issue is ready and we are excited to show it to everyone who contributed, submitted stuff, or simply is curious to see what we have put together. Come and join us for a night of great art, good music, and inexpensive drinks. But beware: it might get sweaty.

We are proud of our international and eclectic selection of work. Our issue #0 features work by the amazingly talented:

Alex Mellon – Anna Zaccaria – Bernardo A. Beledeli Perin – Francesca Romano – Francesco Pattacini – Genoveva Gomez – Jasmina Janoschka – Kaitlyn Veronica – Katrina Senchuk – Michele Pieretti – Michelle Schulz – Moni Maas – Noëmie Vermoesen – Stefano Grisenti

19:00 – 21:00 Gigsta B2B Neinzer

21:00 – 22:00 TONI&MASH

+ illustration exhibition all night

Lahar Magazine is a thematic free press posterzine. Each pocket-sized issue opens up into a majestic original poster. Currently at its 34th issue in Italy, Lahar now lands in Berlin as a democratic vehicle for ideas.



/// Unsere Öffnungszeiten: Freitags und Samstags ab 20:00 Uhr ///